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  • Europe is the 2nd smallest continent (after Australia).
  • There are 731 million people living in Europe.
  • There are 50 countries in Europe.  Some European countries are: France, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Greece.  How many can you name? For a full list of European countries, click here.
  • Europe contains the world's smallest country (Vatican City), as well as the world's largest country (Russia).
  • Each European country has its own official language. Some commonly spoken languages in Europe are German, English, Spanish, Russian and Italian. To learn about the language(s) spoken in each European country, click here.

What are some interesting places in Europe?

Europe is full of interesting landmarks! Take a look at the gallery below to learn about some of them.

Which Animals are native to europe?

Here is a gallery to help you learn about animals that can be found in Europe!