
Click on map to view in full size
  • Australia is the smallest continent.
  • About 23 million people live in Australia.
  • The continent of Australia does not contain smaller countries (although neighboring islands such as New Guinea are usually considered part of Australia).
  • Australia is divided into 6 states, kind of like our 50 states in America.  These states are New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, and Western Australia.  There are also two large territories: Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory.
  • There are a few different climates in Australia.  Central Australia has a desert climate.  Grasslands surround the desert.  Along Australia's coast, we can find temperate and tropical climates.  
  • Most people in Australia speak English. However, there are also about 70 native languages spoken there.

What are some interesting places in australia?

Here's a photo gallery of some landmarks in Australia!

Which Animals are native to australia?

Australia has some of the world's most interesting and unique wildlife.  Take a look at the gallery to learn more about animals native to Australia.  If you want to learn even more about Australian wildlife, click here.